Business Acquisition

USA Role
Flightcon is looking for two self employed new author acquisition to help drive the business growth across almost every interest area and genre, including but not limited to aviation and flight. Our sister company Publish My Book does all the non-aviation titles.
In addition to advertising that both companies do to connect with authors, we need two specialists to find new authors across America. No person has a single interest (aviation) but has others they enjoy or follow (business, photography, poetry, to name a few).
The role will pay a small monthly retainer and the rest is commission based on the number of new titles and the value of each one. We plan to pay commission on leads the company generates. when the specialists close the deal (a lower rate than leads you find from your network).
This home based role would be great for someone who needs work flexibility, or wants business acquisition experience, or has a wide range of groups they are involved with.
Apply and tell us about you and your vision for the role, plus relevant experience and we’ll see if there is a fit.
We have a modest target model:
- one new author (book) in month 1;
- two new author (books) in month 2 and one Services client;
- one new author (book) a week from month 3 and two Services client.
Obviously we hope you bring in lots more than this and reap the rewards.
- an active passion for books
- 2+ years new business acquisition experience
- online advertizing experience would help, especially to a wide range of online groups and communities. Creative ideas on how to reach them would help your success – we are open to new ideas
- customer focused at all time – our aim is 100% customer satisfaction
- an engaging personality with great communication skills
- good Microsoft Word experience (you need the software) as all manuscripts submitted this way.
email your CV/Resume and a covering letter in PDF format to: talent [@]