Global Reach
From $44,500
Maximize your global reach and impact with our personal resource team led by one of our dedicated publishing and distribution coordinators.
With this package, we will handle all of your book-related work for 12 months (a renewable contract), starting with work on a new title. We can also quote for and work on existing titles, along with any new books we publish. This service would work well if combined with our social media service.
Includes all Premium Package items, with the following changes:
• An initial print run of 5,000 softcover copies or 2,500 hardcover copies
• A 12-month global book distribution service (we handle the book storage, national distribution, including mail orders for each print run)
• All domestic and international shipping will be charged at a cost price via our competitively-priced freight and courier accounts
• Up to 3 x one minute videos to promote the book
• Wider merchandise available for the book and/or your business
• Payment Plan possible